"Other mammals found cached were Water Buffalo (Bubalus
bubalis), one of which was found floating but lodged against a
snag, with obvious ‘towing’ teeth marks at the base of the tail,
and a feral pig, in which a front quarter was lodged on a snag
just above water. Reptile caches found were snakes and turtles
(Table 1). A Pig-nosed Turtle (Carettochelys insculpta) cache with
crocodile teeth marks was located on a snag just above the water. A
Black-headed Python (Aspidites melanocephalus) was cached on
a riverbank next to tracks of a ~2.5 m crocodile (the carcass was
gone the next day). A an adult Water Python (Liasis fuscus) carcass
with crocodile teeth puncture marks was also found cached on a
snag in water (Fig. 2; D. Steer, pers. comm.). The snake was gone
the next day. A Freshwater Crocodile (Crocodylus johnstoni) was
found cached on a snag in water. The carcass had clear crocodile
bite marks on its body and was attended by a 2.5 m C. porosus.
The next day the carcass was half its previous size, missing the
head and two limbs. The single fi sh cache was a ~1 m long Bull
Shark (Carcharhinus leucas) found on a riverbank in 2001. A 4.5
m crocodile was observed several times at this exact location,
which was a flat, muddy area with abundant cover provided by a
fallen tree"
Prey caching in the salt water crocodile(pg.29)