Ok, so there are a few points I’ve read or briefly addressed on the shark bite mark thread or elsewhere, which I’d like to revisit, or mostly, would appreciate some clarifications regarding the evidence of.
1) The claim that the shark was faster and/or more maneuverable.
1a) I know top speed is largely besides the point, but is there even a RELIABLE speed measurement of a great white shark, for comparative purposes?
Infinity Blade : (migrating over here from the shark bite mark thread) Thanks for the information, wasn’t aware of that. I didn’t do in-depth reading on reliable Blue whale speed records. Still, whether 50 or 30km/h, I find that speed very impressive for animals that large. Based on Williams 2002 (in Ford 2005), this still means blue whales are faster than minke whales, despite being easily 10 times the size. So I think that’s sufficient evidence to suggest that size isn’t really that important in terms of top speed. Maneuverability, obviously, is a completely different story. Just that from this I wouldn’t jump to the conclusion that a 50 ton
Livyatan or
C. megalodon would be particularly slow.
And then, we have the data in sharks that suggests at least cruising speed is positively correlated with size. That is not directly related to top speed, but it still means large sharks need to be able to move quickly.
Ford, J. K., G. M. Ellis, D. R. Matkin, K. C. Balcomb, D. Briggs, and A. B. Morton. 2005: Killer whale attacks on minke whales: prey capture and antipredator tactics. Marine mammal science 21:603–618.
Jacoby, D. M. P., P. Siriwat, R. Freeman, and C. Carbone. 2015: Is the scaling of swim speed in sharks driven by metabolism? Biology Letters 11:20150781.1c) Somehow I see certain features only being addressed in one and not the other animal. Of course
Livyatan would be very cumbersome compared to an extant raptorial odontocete that is only a tenth its size. But the same applies to
C. megalodon compared to an extant shark. Is there any evidence suggesting that general cetaceans are in some way less suited to athleticism at large sizes than sharks? This certainly cannot be observed in the extant world, but at similar sizes, orcas seem to be just as athletic as sharks. And orcas actually operate as active, apex predators at sizes actually not reached by any raptorial sharks today.
Why should
Livyatan be slower and less maneuverable compared to an orca than
C. megalodon would be compared to a great white shark?
1d) The frequently repeated statement that large bull orcas become slow and cumbersome compared to females. Let’s trace that claim back to its root, shall we? Please feel free to add further evidence, but let me explain why I think that is besides the point:
source: Ford et al. 2005Nothing at all in here applies to whales, or an orca-like body shape (apart from disproportionately large flippers and fin) in particular.
It it suggested that larger size and proportionately larger fins make male orcas less maneuverable and efficient swimmers than females. That, I think, is a reasonable assumption. But as to its bearing here:
Firstly, isn’t
C. megalodon the one that has repeatedly been suggested on here to have had proportionately larger fins? Supposedly to aid in mobility, not hinder it, although that might seem more than a little dubious at this point and is entirely based on conjecture anyway…
Secondly, I don’t think anybody envisions
Livyatan to have had super-sized flippers and dorsal fin like a bull orca. So disproportionately increased drag, apart from what’s normal at its (and megalodon’s) large body size is not an issue here.
Thirdly, there are no active, raptorial sharks that reach comparable sizes to a bull orca. The evidence suggests that they would face the exact same problem a large bull orca faces; that larger animals become less maneuverable. That’s not some sort of peculiarity of the orca’s body shape that makes it especially prone to poor mobility when growing larger (except, again, the secondary sexual characteristics of giant flippers and fin, which we have no reason to assume in
Livyatan). Raptorial sharks that size simply don’t exist, that does not at all suggest sharks are better at operating at large body sizes than whales. That would be like saying that birds face less difficulty flying at giant size than pterosaurs, because we don’t have 250kg flying birds to demonstrate the problems faced by a flying animal that large, while we can be certain a 250kg pterosaur would have been a less maneuverable flyer than a 100kg one.
So to sum up, the arguments implying that killer whales, and by inference odontocetes, would get less maneuverable at large size can actually be applied to all animals. If C. megalodon is envisioned like a giant great white and yet as being reasonably fast and explosive, than there is no reason a Livyatan envisioned like a giant orca wouldn’t be as well. The obvious situation is that neither will be as explosive or maneuverable as its smaller extant analogues, but that doesn’t mean that for their size either of these was slow or unagile.
1e) So what this breaks down to is basically that unless extant sharks are superior in maneuverability to extant odontocetes of comparable size, there’s no reason to suggest the situation would be any different between these two. Where is the evidence of that?
1f) An argument that pops up time and time again is that a cartilaginous skeleton is so advantageous for maneuverability in an aquatic animal, without any apparent downsides. First of all, I don’t think that’s biomechanically even possible. Being more flexible always comes at the cost of efficiency in some other regard, most likely strength.
But say this were the case. Then why don’t all aquatic animals simply revert back to cartilage (developmentally, that is rather uncomplicated, certainly not something that could not have evolved within the 50 million years of cetacean evolution if it were beneficial)? And why then is shark cartilage more similar to bone in mechanical properties (Porter et al. 2006)? It seems because a rigid skeleton is simply required for the musculoskeletal system to function effectively, especially at large sizes.
Porter, M. E., J. L. Beltrán, T. J. Koob, and A. P. Summers. 2006: Material properties and biochemical composition of mineralized vertebral cartilage in seven elasmobranch species (Chondrichthyes). Journal of Experimental Biology 209:2920–2928.
Perhaps sharks are more flexible, perhaps they are not, evidence has not been brought forth yet. But either way, I doubt its due to their cartilaginous skeleton, and being more flexible will come at the expense of other factors. So another "its a shark so is more agile"-argument that seems to lack empirical support.
2) Ramming
2a) Being able to ram a small animal and causing some damage is one thing, ramming a sizeable prey item as a way of seriously injuring it (which orcas do, see Ford et al. 2005) is another. Odontocetes have demonstrated their ability to cause serious damage to large animals by ramming. If sharks are really capable of similar feats, that remains to be demonstrated.
2b) As to my knowledge, there is ample, published evidence that sperm whales are especially adapted to ramming and can do so to great effect (Carrier et al. 2002, Panagiotopoulou et al. 2016). The ability to sink a large whaling ship by ramming is certainly impressive, and there is a set of very specific anatomical structures involved (long, stiff, bony rostrum, junk, spermaceti organ). Structures that
Livyatan evidently had, but which
C. megalodon lacked. Yes,
Livyatan had a smaller spermaceti organ than
Physeter. I’ve read that time and time again. But orcas, see above, can still ram effectively, and the ramming seems to be done with the junk, not the spermaceti orcan. So once more, if Megalodon was a similarly effective rammer, where is the anatomical evodence from it, or from related extant sharks?
Carrier, D. R., S. M. Deban, and J. Otterstrom. 2002: The face that sank the Essex: potential function of the spermaceti organ in aggression. Journal of Experimental Biology 205:1755–1763.
Panagiotopoulou, O., P. Spyridis, H. M. Abraha, D. R. Carrier, and T. C. Pataky. 2016: Architecture of the sperm whale forehead facilitates ramming combat. PeerJ 4:e1895.2c) Functional morphology alone is not that complicated here. We have one animal with a wide, blunt, cartilaginous, kinetic chondocranium, another with a pointed bony skull with a sturdy, rigid rostrum and specially adapted cushioning in the form of the spermaceti-organ and melon on top. From that, and in the absence of evidence, how does one come to the conclusion, that to be hit by one would be comparable to being hit by the other? I don’t like to repeat myself this often, but somehow this seems to be too easily overlooked. Even if the impact from any 50 ton animal moving at substantial speed would be devastating, it’s another 50t, highly robust animal it needs to do significant damage to. Both functional analysis and direct observations suggests the odontocete cranium and adjacent soft tissues are very effective for ramming, even against large targets. Neither evidence exists for sharks.
I’m very happy to be proven wrong about the latter, both functional morphology and behavioural observations on this are highly welcomed. But without such evidence, the logical assumption is that the whale would ram much more effectively when faced with a large target.